Honduras 2013 Sponsor Video


Hogar Esperanza (Hope House), Honduras

It is with great joy that I share news with you regarding an opportunity that the Lord has given me to participate in a short-term mission trip to San Pedro Sula, Honduras in February 2013. As part of a 20 member team from Woodmen Valley Chapel we will be helping with the constructing a children’s home for orphaned, abandoned, and abused children. We will be working together with local laborers to construct a complex with multiple buildings, linking with Hogar Esperanza (Hope House) to provide a safe-haven for over one hundred children.

I’m very excited about this trip and the opportunity that it will provide to work with and minister to men of the local community in San Pedro Sula as we build the children’s home. Young and middle-aged men are so often overlooked in the ministry efforts of most organizations and God has put it on my heart to engage in this area wherever I can. Would you please pray for me as I interact with them, that our time together would glorify God and express His love for them. Also, pray that our team would be fully submitted to the Lord and obedient to do all that he is calling us to do as we seek to follow the example Jesus has given us to model.

The dates for our trip will be February 15-23, 2013.  The cost is $1,000 per team member. This covers airfare, food and materials. Each team member is responsible for raising 100% of their financial support. 70% of support is due by December 14th, 2012 with the balance due by February 10, 2013. I am so excited about this trip and thankful for the opportunities that God has set before me! Would you please prayerfully consider being a part of this journey by making a donation of $50, $100, or even $250?

If you would like to contribute financially, please make your check payable to Woodmen Valley Chapel and mail to:

Woodmen Valley Chapel
Attn: Finance/Missions Income
290 E. Woodmen Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Please use the enclosed form to designate that your contribution is for ‘Louis Batides’. Also, please note that your contribution is tax deductible only when your check is made out to Woodmen Valley Chapel. If you prefer to give by credit card, please visit http://ltl.cc/louisbatides  and specify my name as it appears on the enclosed form. You may also call the WVC finance department at 719.388.4935 if you wish to make your donation over the phone.

Thank you in advance for partnering with me as I embark on what I believe will be an amazing and life-changing journey!

Your brother in Christ,

Louis N. Batides


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