This unique trip opportunity, in partnership with Men’s Ministry at Woodmen, will send 10-15 men to Honduras to help with constructing a children’s home for orphaned, abandoned, and abused children. Team members will work together with local laborers to construct a complex with multiple buildings, linking with Hogar Esperanza (Hope House) to provide a safe-haven for over one hundred children. No specific skills are required for this team. Time, talents, and the love of Christ will be shared with the workers and the children.
Honduras, like its neighbors, suffers from systemic poverty, chronic unemployment, and widespread corruption. With 65% of the population living below the poverty line and an unemployment rate of 4.8%, Honduras is the second poorest country in Central America. It is also one of the most violent and UNICEF estimates that there are over 4,700 children and young people involved in some way in gangs. With so few options for a future, children fall victim to sexual exploitation, prostitution, AIDS, drug abuse, and gangs.
Hogar Esperanza is reaching out to these vulnerable children. Here, children find a safe home and a family that they are “adopted” into and are offered the opportunity to become productive members in society. The children receive a Christian education, nutritional meals, medical attention, clothing, shelter, spiritual training and guidance, plus love and affection that they have never known.
The team will learn about the importance of caring for vulnerable children through real and engaging experiences and how God can use them to impact the world.