The men of God arose this morning with tired faces, sore muscles and lack of sleep but anxious for a new day of adventure in Honduras. The past week has been a progression of steady prayer, steady work, interaction with children of the village and high hopes for completing the tasks at hand. The men have given themselves team goals to work towards and complete by the week’s end with pride and satisfaction, for this I’m joyful.

The team have a strong bond as I have not witnessed here in Honduras before – they all look out for one another with sincere hearts and kindred spirits. The work is hard, long hours, hot, humid and dirty…but I never hear a complaint or a negative comment. Smiles on all faces! The Holy Spirit of God is evident among the men and has clearly been with us from the beginning.

We all attended church services together on Sunday, albeit in Spanish…there were many men with wet eyes and open hearts hungry for Gods word…and He showed up! We pray for God to answer prayer and guide us but not really expecting a response. God came among us and created a unity among the men to tell us that He was here for us this week, He was going to guide us and give us His vision and we responded in unison with ‘Hallelujah!’

Men ready to serve God! Living Life for Christ!

-Dan for the team