What a privilege it has been to be working alongside an incredible team of men serving the Lord in Honduras. The highlight, though, has truly been the warm and gracious people and children of this country. Their warmth and smiles are contagious. The experiences are too vast to number but every moment has been adventure especially communicating!
Before we embarked on our trip, we read the book Radical. The book’s focus is a straight forward look at Christ’s life and the call he has given each one of us. It seems a simple idea until you begin to unpack the seriousness of living a life that glorifies God. A life that intentionally impacts and serves others because God first served us. What does that really look like and are each one of us living this type of life?
Looking at the extreme poverty that is prevelent in Honduras it’s understandable to draw the conclusion from this book that Americans are too materialistic and that we need to reavuate our lives and give much more of our time and money to those in need. I do not dispute this. However, that’s not the entire picture as we walk the path that God places before us. Walking with, living a life totally abandoned to Him, engaging in His journey for our lives is much more than just giving more money while having a more minimalistic lifestyle.
Let’s be honest, we all like to feel comfortable. In fact, many of us have built our entire lives around this pursuit. But the reality is that Christ never called us to a life of comfort. In fact he calls us to be uncomfortable; to follow him and to be obedient. This call on our lives often times causes us to be way outside of our comfort zone; to be willing to do things we don’t feel equipped to do. This is how it should be! It’s only through the power of our perfect heavenly Father that we are able to accomplish the work of heaven. God is in the business of miracles.
God didn’t pick the most qualified man to lead an army against the Midianites–A man who would be comfortable in this role. He picked the man hiding in the winepress, Gideon. God picked the weakest man from the weakest family in the region. God doesn’t need a perfect man, He needs a willing one. Although Gideon struggled with doubt, God knew Gideon was His mighty warrior. Through Gideon, God was able to deliver Israel out of the hands of their enemy in a miraculous way. Radical points out that we need to have a courageous faith in God’s plan. Yet, the world says to play it safe; to plan ahead and look out for our own self interests. When God calls us, it may not make any worldly sense, but we need to be willing to follow God’s plan and purpose wherever it may lead.
The Honduran people are wonderful people who desperately need to hear of the Lord’s love and mercy as well as experience His goodness. For some of us, that means we need to send more money and for others it may mean spending time serving the people. Both groups are right as long as they are listening to God’s calling and are asking themselves the hard questions: Are we engaged in God’s plan, purpose and path? Are we willing to be obedient and do whatever God calls us to do even if it’s uncomfortable?
When we are truly trusting God there often is no safety net. He calls us to be all in; to be fully abandoned to His leading. This is a radically different way of living but through God’s grace and strength it also promises to be well worth pursuing.
-Scott for the team